viernes, 17 de septiembre de 2010

Bull fight has been very popular in Spain. is a very important part of history and culture in this country.In Spain, the bull is honored because it is a symbol of strength, masculinity, fertility and courage. This tradition starts from ruprestre art, since the caves were many pictures of dead bulls, as this is a great source of food, and so the Spanish is honored.
although during the show the bull dies, the Spanish believe it is a fair fight, also provides much of the bull is dead, for all that gives people.
 just as this is a beautiful and symbolic art, the symbol of the bull, the bull fighter clothing, and the honor of the bullfight, are things to appreciate art. The bullfight is an art form which mimics the dance Sevillano, a kind of ancient dance in Spain.

jueves, 16 de septiembre de 2010


Bullfighting is normally fatal for the bull, but it is also dangerous for the bullfighter.

Bullfighting is criticized for violating animal Rights, referring to it as a cruel or barbaric blood sport , in which the bull suffers severe stress and a slow, torturous death.

Many fans of bullfighting argue that it is a culturally important tradition and a fully developed art form on par with painting, dancing and music, while advocates of animal rights argue that it is a blood sport that results In the suffering of bulls and horses.

Art of bullfighting is very traumatic for both children and adults who are very sensible.
In many cases is seen as murder animals and people Is very unpleasant and dangerous at a time.

miércoles, 15 de septiembre de 2010

A historical perspective (aganist fightbull)

Although bullfights are a unique spectacle and shamefully Spanish, dating back to the bloody and cruel Roman games venationes where they killed thousands of animals to entertain an audience thirsty for blood and thrills. According account Pliny the Elder in his Natural History, Julius Caesar introduced the circus games the fight between the bull and the matador armed with sword and shield, in addition to "run" of a bull who overthrew the gentleman holding it by removing horns. Another figure at that time, according to Ovid, was called Karpóforo, forcing the bull to charge using a red handkerchief. The sacrifice of bulls was also included among the rites and customs that the Romans introduced into Hispania.In Crete, plus the story of Greek mythology which describes the adventures of Ariadne, daughter of King Minos and Theseus, who slew the Minotaur, no record of the celebration of games in the plaza of Knossos, in whose palace, known as Maze can be fresh show men and women in bullfighting scenes, guided perhaps by the same myths and ignorance senseless to characterize a peaceful animal as a virtual enemy monster, making it real victim of our failure as human beings evolving human trafficking to the life and pain of those without arbitration of our unearned privileges.

Animal Welfare Activists to Protest Bullfighting in Spain

MADRID — The Guggenheim museum in Bilbao is set to be the scene of a vivid protest on Saturday as about 150 semi-naked animal welfare activists, some smeared in red paint to simulate the blood of a dying bull, plan to lie on the museum grounds to demand an end to bullfighting.
Later in the day, a larger protest organized by three animal rights associations is due to be held in front of Bilbao’s bullring before the opening corrida of the city’s annual festival.

After a decision last month by lawmakers in Catalonia to ban bullfighting in their region starting in 2012, proponents of such a ban have renewed their efforts to spread similar legislation to other parts of Spain.
Protests have recently been staged at almost every city festival, which are traditionally held during the summer vacation period and include bullfighting as part of the celebrations.
In Vitoria, which like Bilbao is in the Basque region, activists plastered posters around the city this month showing a man in underwear spitting blood, with banderillas — the barbed sticks used in a corrida — planted in his back.
“We want to benefit from this major success in Catalonia to extend this ban to the rest of the Spanish territory,” said José Ramón Mallén Vargas-Machuca, a coordinator of the Bilbao event and a representative from Fundación Equanimal, an animal welfare association. “But we’re not trying to get into any debate about identity and nationalism and any of the arguments that are now being used by politicians that have nothing to do with animal rights.”
Indeed, the vote in Catalonia was overshadowed by a fierce political debate over whether the region should be granted a greater degree of autonomy after a disputed ruling by Spain’s constitutional court over the issue. Some local politicians argued that bullfighting no longer had its place in Catalan identity.
In turn, Spain’s main opposition center-right Popular Party has turned its defense of bullfighting into a rallying cry to protect Spanish values. The party’s leader, Mariano Rajoy, attended a bullfight shortly after Catalonia’s decision. Mr. Rajoy not only called for people to take more pride in being Spanish but also said the ban was an attack on individual freedom akin to preventing hunting, fishing or motorbike racing.
Galicia is another region where supporters of a ban hold high hopes because bullfighting does not feature so prominently in local traditions. The Canary Islands, meanwhile, banned bullfighting in 1991, several years after the last fight had been held there.
Since the Catalan vote, however, animal welfare activists have also criticized as hypocritical the decision to maintain festivities in several Catalan towns this month in which bulls take center stage, but without being fought to death. Instead, the horns of the bull are set on fire or the animals are run into the sea.
Legal experts like José M. de Areilza, dean of the IE Law School in Madrid, noted that the government had long anticipated a backlash against bullfighting but expected such pressure to come more from outside than within the country. Spain pushed for a clause to be added to the Treaty of Amsterdam, which amended European Union treaties in 1997, to guarantee that animal welfare considerations would be weighed against Europe’s traditional cultures.

miércoles, 8 de septiembre de 2010

"There is nothing so pathetic as a motionless crowd of spectators witnessing the enthusiasm with indifference on unequal confrontation between a noble bull and a gang of thugs unbalanced destroying an innocent animal who does not understand the reason for your pain ...An annual bloodbath billion euros "

ska-p verguenza

bull fighting bloopers